For some reason in the midst of a really long day I am feeling inspired to blog - so here it goes. My last blog 4 1/2 months ago was titled 'For The Good' was based off a Shane & Shane song that I cried everytime I heard because I really didn't understand what God was working for the good in my life. At that time all I knew was I was back in Jersey and unemployed. I was living off my credit card, debt was increasing, I missed my friends in Charlotte and my travels from last year. I had no clear direction and battled daily feeling like my life had no purpose. I had no clue what God was up too.
Four days after I wrote that blog I began a job at Starbucks. When I took the job I was desperate...I had no clue what God had in store. There are long days and I have worked far more than anticipated in the last 4 months. I also love my job far more than I ever imagined and this job is turning into a career that ties together many of my gifts - leadership, administration, management and business. I am not just making coffee, I am using my mind and the gifts God has given me and I love it. I probably drink too much coffee, but it's all good. I have no clue if this is where I will be long term, but for now I am content and thankful for the Lord's provision.
As far as Jersey, I am back. The tags on the car have been changed, my residency is official and I am not going anywhere anytime soon because I know I am right where I am supposed to be. It is a HUGE blessing to be near my family and see them on a weekly basis. I am obsessed with my nephew and love being able to just grab dinner with my mom. My community is growing as well and I have fallen in love with a ministry through the Helping Hands Rescue Mission in Philadelphia. God is doing great things with my church Hope Community in Moorestown and I am fully on board with the mission and plan to spread the gospel to Moorestown and the surrounding community. I love that through my job many faces in Moorestown are familiar and I know them by name. My job is more than just a job, it is where I build relationships, learn to know people by name, and in turn share who I am and what I am passionate about.
There are still days I miss Charlotte and my friends (thankful for a trip there in 6 weeks!!). I am not totally sure about the direction of my future, if it includes a husband and kids or grad school or ministry overseas, but I don't care. I am living in today, the present and moving forward one day at a time. I am thankful that God didn't give me instant gratification 4 months ago like I wanted, but overtime worked out HIS PERFECT PLAN. He is good. I still struggle, but I do know and believe with all of my heart, He's got me. Romans 8:28, which a friend reminded me of yesterday sums it up perfect - "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
Meeting Heidi Baker
15 hours ago